BS&k Company • A Manufacturer's Representative

Data Sheet

                       BS&k Company       Please fill out as much information as possible,
fax to BS&k Company (704) 365-3578

Company ____________________   Name _________________________      Date  _____/_____/_____  

City __________________________ State ______  Phone # _________________ Fax # ____________    

Position ________________________________  e-mail  _________________________________________   

Line  _____________________________________/ Process ________________________            

Product __________________ Size ___________  Shape ___________ Weight/Lin Ft _________
Belt Type ___________________________  Pitch  ________________ Chains _______________
   Number ____________________________________________________________________  
   Description _________________________________________________________________  
   Material  __________________________ Color ______________  Type Rods______________   

Width _________ Edge Fixation _______ Length  ___________  C-C_____  Total Length _______

Flights _______________________  Height __________ Centers ______________ Indent _____  

Guard Edges __________________  Height _________ Type_____________________________
Sprocket Diameter  _______  Teeth ____ Material  ______Color  _____ Qty _______             
 Bore ______  Shape _______  Key ____  SS_______  Pt# ____________________




Thank you. Please feel free to contact us at any time (800) 634-1114
BS&k Company
2248 Lawton Bluff Road,      Charlotte,    NC    28226       (800)634-1114[Phone]        (704)365-3578[Fax]