About Us
- As the BS&k Company enters it’s 24th year as a manufacturers representative firm we want to re-affirm our beliefs and renew our commitment that we had when we began this company in 1999.
- BS&k Company was formed to fill a need that I believed was not presently being satisfied. That is, a true liaison between the manufacturer of the product and the consumer of that product.
- We don’t claim to be, nor do we want to be, all things to all people, We have found that by placing the right product at a reasonable price in the customer’s application you end up with a loyal and satisfied customer.
- Ours is a long term goal. Listen, ask questions, suggest and make recommendations. Even if it means not getting the order this time. Selling a product just for a sale is not the answer. In-depth product and application knowledge, honesty, accuracy, flexibility and a genuine concern for the customer’s best interest is our business. Anyone can sell you a product at almost any price. The BS&k Company wants to be a part of the sale all the way. It could be an initial visit to access the application. Review different products that can be used for that application. Discuss how production feeds this application and what occurs after this application to assure the right product. And it could be on site assistance in installation with training afterwards. Not just a sale, but service and assurance the solution was the right one for the application.
- The manufacturer benefits by having a long term, satisfied customer base with repeat sales. Our customer benefits by getting the right product at a reasonable price and can focus their efforts on running their business.
- Our goal is to provide the customer a comprehensive product offering, at a fair value, with follow-up service and assistance before and after the sale. Anything else would provide little more than the competition presently provides.
Give us a try, see if you agree. We aren’t the biggest, but we get the job done, because we give personal service, and follow-up after the sale. So far our plan is working well!
A satisfied, loyal, long term customer is worth much more than any short term profit can bring.